New Effective Therapy Techniques - Autismstep Singapore

In Autismstep Singapore, all type of treatments and therapies are available here such as Home Program, School Program, Speech Therapy, Vocational Training, Social and School, Readiness Class, and Psychological Assessment etc.

The goal of speech therapy is to improve all aspects of communication. This includes comprehension, expression, sound production, and social use of language. Speech therapy may include sign language and the use of picture symbols. At its best, a specific speech therapy program is tailored to the specific weaknesses of the individual child. Speech therapy should begin early in a child's life and fast recovery in the autistic child.

1. Therapy should be rooted in practical experience in the child's life.

2. Therapy should encourage spontaneous communication.

3. Any communication skills learned during speech therapy should be generalizable to multiple situations

Thanks to Autismstep Singapore who developed new tact and treatment according to child health.  In recent technology a groundbreaking and exciting therapeutic technique to teach non-verbal students to use spoken the language has developed.


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