Autism Step Singapore - Autism Treatment- A Healing Touch

Autism is one of the 3 Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), the other two being Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) and Asperger's Syndrome. It is characterised as social 'inefficiency' of the child, who fails to establish a normal cognitive association with his or her surroundings. Autism has numerous symptoms that get unfolded by the time the child reaches 3 years of age. Symptoms like the child does not babble or gesture within twelve months, is not uttering single words by sixteen months or do not speak two words with spontaneity as seen in normal 2 years old child. Several behavioural tendencies are significant in autistic children. For example, stereotypical movements, self-injury, compulsive behaviour, sameness, ritualistic tendencies and restricted behaviour are all prominently noted mannerisms found in such children.

To understand the causes of a child being autistic, theories from the genetic levels to the ones traversing hardcore neurophysiology have been proposed and propositions have ultimately combined to put forward a wholesome explanation to autism. The brain is a conglomeration of billions of neurons (a single unit of a nerve, a nerve cell) which join to form an intricate network of connections. These connections are synapses and they transmit the stimuli and response is generated within and outside our body. When this very mechanism gets hindered or is underdeveloped and has succumbed to some sort of relentless over-activity, then our visible cognitions get distorted. During the gestation period of the foetus, certain teratogen agents, causing birth defects, tend to affect the development of the brain. Excess of neurons, abnormal excitation and inhibition, defective synapses, etc are the neurological explanations to autism. The reason for neurologic developments going awry can also have other innate reasons that might not necessarily have Teratogenic effect. A genetic defect is also one of the plausible reasons and researches are still trying to decode this.

Treatment ranges from traditional ones to alternative therapeutic techniques, educational therapies, Applied Behaviour analysis, speech therapy, Social Communication/ Emotional Regulation/ Transactional Support (SCERT), response therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and multimedia therapy. For Autism treatment, Autism Step organizations are acting as prodigious grounds for autistic patients to reach out for proper treatment facilities. The Autism Step in  Singapore  has contributed research related activities nationally. Even, a Federal Legislation was passed by the state, followed by a number of Acts passed to support treatment facilities. Dr. Zhang Liyuan Autism, a practicing neurologist has been a part of this great cause to aware people about this disorder.


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